
Qunar Online Travel Platform

(Exited - NASDAQ: QUNR) Qunar is an online travel information provider and search engine. Aiming to help travelers make suitable choices, Qunar organizes enormous information and provides thorough and instant search results for flights, hotels, packages, group-buying deals, visa, and other travel-related information. In 2016, Qunar merged with CTrip at a value of $11B.

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Global Offices

Beijing Office:
STE. 3818, China World Tower A
No.1 Jianguomenwai St., Chaoyang Dist.
Beijing, 100004, China
Tel: +86-10-5706-9898

Silicon Valley Office:
1300 El Camino Real,
STE 100,
Menlo Park, 94025, U.S.A
Tel: +1 (650) 331-7300

Singapore Office:
1 George Street
049145, Singapore
Tel: +65-6514-0023

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